Holland Park Education is uniquely positioned to support in education consultancy and tuition needs for parents looking for the perfect school, ahead of other businesses in the industry.

    • Locate the perfect UK school or London school for your children
    • Smooth and efficient relocation between schools, from within the UK and abroad
    • Offer external programs and further challenges including tuition, further assessment or other specific prep for students in UK schools

    Holland Park Education has identified the best services to offer clients from all over the world, in order to address all of their schooling needs.

    • Providing unique academic assessments at school-level including 7+, 8+, 11+ and any other age level
    • Choosing top UK schools based on family criteria
    • Support in applying to competitive UK schools and standing out from the crowd
    • Offering interview prep and feedback

    Choosing the right school for your child is a daunting process. Boarding or day? Co-ed or single sex? We think that decisions about education should be exciting, not bewildering. With a myriad of alternatives available, the right school for your child is out there and we’re here to guide you towards it. In fact, the ever-increasing number of paths open to today’s young people means that education can be tailored to the individual more than ever before.

    Our School Placements team handle every element of the process. We will get to know you and your child so that we can offer informed choices on which schools might be suitable. We will make applications on your behalf, and prepare your child thoroughly for any entrance tests or interviews that he or she will face. Once schools have made their offers, we will use our expertise to suggest where your child will thrive; our close connections with current and past teachers, students and parents mean that we can give you the inside track.


    Relocating with your family is inevitably an anxious time, particularly if there is uncertainty surrounding your children’s education. Finding the perfect school is an essential part of ensuring a smooth transition, not only academically but socially and emotionally too. The right school environment means your children will settle quickly into life in the UK, making new friends and getting to grips with their new surroundings.

    Our consultants will find the right schools for your children. Often families would like to keep siblings together and we are adept at finding schools that will meet the criteria of each individual. We will organise a tailored schedule of school visits for whenever the family can be in the UK. If the children will be moving from one curriculum to another – from IB to the British system, for example – we can coordinate online tuition in advance of the move to ensure they meet the required level of their new school.


    Though our offices are in London and Dubai, we have a network that extends globally. Many of the most prestigious US boarding schools compete with the traditional British schools for the limelight, and naturally we work with the top Ivy League ‘feeders’. Some of our School Placements will cross borders, often between Europe, the UK and the US. Although the three areas offer very different surroundings, they all offer a world-class boarding education where students will be immersed in a stimulating and exciting environment.

    The International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum is popular for those students who might move countries or continents as they continue their education, although we are specialists in advising on managing the transition between the US High School Diploma, IB, A level and other systems worldwide.


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  • “We believe that decisions about education should be exciting, not bewildering.”